- Added a “Recent projects” menu item, for configuration, to make switching between projects easier/faster.
- The “text” graphic element now
supports opacity, static and dynamic.
- The “analog slider” graphic elements
now support keyboard events (left/right/up/down arrow, home, end, etc.) to
move the slider.
- Created graphic mouse commands for
those new script functions that were candidates for graphic mouse commands.
- Added graphic element scripts to the
cross reference and tagname listing/replace feature in the graphics editor.
- Updates to the user manual.
- Update to the AB DF1 serial protocol
simulator. Corrected an issue with masked writes and I/O writes.
- At “Runtime” the “Runtime window”
function (default F9) would move the “Runtime panel” (window) to the front. Now
the command toggles the visibility of the window and if changing from invisible
to visible, the window is moved to the front. To toggle the window’s visibility
state from a script, see the “SendKeys” script function.
- Added property to hide “Runtime
panel” at runtime start.
- Added several more protected OS
directories to the excluded projects directory list.