Saturday, November 24, 2012

HMI graphic editor...

A new feature was added to the graphic editor.


An object can be locked in place and cannot be moved or resized until the object is unlocked.

1. When an object is locked the eight selection rectangles that appear when an object is selected will be eight circles.

2. Locked objects included in a group are unlocked when the group is created. The group can be locked.

3. Objects in a locked group can be resized and moved using the "group editor".

4. Locking only applies during design time. Locking does not apply to objects during runtime.


Monday, November 12, 2012

Mini single pen trend...

Today we released a new graphic element for the HMI. It is a sizeable mini single pen trend. It can be used in graphic windows were the full sized trend element, and all its features, are not required. The mini trend displays the previous 2-100 seconds of any analog or digital point. The point does not need to be configured for data logging.

The trend supports 5 trend styles with attributes for grid size, grid type, colors, text settings, etc.

This is a screen capture of the configuration dialog.

Monday, November 5, 2012

Scheduler released...

The scheduler has been released, November 5, 2012. A short video has been created and posted.

Thursday, November 1, 2012

Various updates 11/1/2012...

We released a minor update to the HMI today. We added more visual feedback to user buttons when pressed, added another configuration setting to the alarm panel, corrected an issue with OPC client pulse commands and corrected a broken link in a help file.

A new version of the free MODBUS ASCII slave program was released. It provides better timing on incoming message.

In work in progress; the HMI has included a task scheduler for several years and it is good for scheduling one time or recurring task. The task scheduler does not take the place of a ‘scheduler’. A scheduler, that provides start and end time triggers as well as overrides for dates, like holidays, the ability to delay a series of commands, grouping of outputs and actions, inhibits, etc..

The new scheduler should be released very soon.