Saturday, December 28, 2013

HMI update 12/28/2013

In the last HMI update for 2013, we realigned the alarm ‘blocking’ logic to maintain continuity between configuration settings and runtime actions.

The SetAlarmEnables function is still present but, will be removed in a future release. See SetAlarmBlocks.

Alarms are enabled / disabled, at runtime start, as determined by project configuration.

Alarm logic can be blocked / unblocked at runtime to temporarily disable and then enable the alarm logic processing for a point.

Alarm blocks are designed to be a temporary solution, when for example, a transmitter fails and the configured alarm needs to be 'blocked' so as not to provide false information.

The alarm configuration should be altered if the 'block' is used as a permanent or long term solution.

Also the SetAlarmSetpoints has a new flag to disable the alarm check when the function is called. This really should only be called with ‘false’ at runtime start, via the runtime start script, when the data from external devices has not yet been collected.

Happy New Year

Sunday, December 1, 2013

HMI update 12/1/2013

Yesterday, a new version of the HMI was released that includes three new script functions.


This function is used to delete all the records of the table. The data logger appends a record to the table when the preset timer expires or a “log” command is called. The table can become very large. This allows the table to be emptied on command.


The HMI has a global “Acknowledge” command. Also, the alarm panel graphic has a “Page Acknowledge” button. Now a single point alarm can be acknowledged via scripting. When an alarm row is selected, via the alarm panel, the point tagname and alarm type are now available to the scripting engine, allowing actions to be programmed based on the point tagname and/or the alarm type.


This function provides for “set points” of the analog point alarms, to be altered at runtime. Two methods are provided to alter a "setpoint". The HMI can be instructed to use the value of another point or via a value defined by the user.

Earlier this month we released an 800+ page manual for the HMI. The link to download the manual is on our website.