Monday, September 14, 2015

Expanded database controls

The HMI has supported database access, via ODBC, for many years.
Today database access expanded by adding:

·        Ten (10) new graphic controls which connect directly to the database
·        Editable SQL query execution
·        Scripting commands to control connections and queries
·        Diagnostic logging for troubleshooting

Here is the new database graphic element selection dialog.


Thursday, August 27, 2015

General purpose drivers

The HMI has two new drivers.

The first driver is a general purpose serial port driver.
The second driver is a general purpose TCP/IP driver.

A general purpose driver does not implement a protocol. For example: MODBUS RTU or MODBUS TCP/IP. The driver provides direct access to the “port” and the raw data received/transmitted.

To utilize the driver, scripting is used. Both drivers provide two methods to control the “port”.

Method one: Callback

This method provides a script executed by the driver, is self-contained and provides “callbacks” to handle the port. For example a callback would occur when a byte(s) is received (OnRxChar), the port is opened (OnOpen), etc..

Method two: Polling

This method is executed in a normal script and controls the port via script commands. Callbacks do not occur and port control can be in one or more regular scripts.

Included with the release are four example projects. All example projects read one word of data from a MODBUS slave/server. The examples include a “callback” and “polling” method example for both the serial and TCP/IP port types.

Wednesday, July 1, 2015

HMI update 07/01/2015

The feature to draw and animate graphics in the graphics editor and have the created graphic pages viewable via a web browser has been released. Let us know if you have any needed additions to this feature.

Also, support for Ethernet access to Siemen S7-200 devices, via a CP 243-1 Ethernet module, has been added to the HMI.

Saturday, June 20, 2015

HMI update 06/20/2015...

It has been five months since the last update and the long duration between updates is not due to inactivity.

Support for strings in a PLC5 via DF1 was added. Via PCCC has existed for some time.

An Enron RTU over TCP driver was added. We added Enron serial (RTU) and Enron TCP/IP about five months ago. Enron RTU over TCP is the Enron RTU (same as serial) protocol using TCP/IP as the transport protocol. This allows devices that are only Enron RTU serial to be accessed with a hardware serial to Ethernet/TCP device or a virtual serial to TCP driver.

The big feature in the works; coding has been under way to allow a user to draw and animate graphics in the HMI graphic editor and the runtime graphic engine generate output that can be accessed via a web browser.

The HMI has been able to display dynamic data in web browsers for a few years. The first method used; the HMI created, on demand, HTML web pages that were list of tags and data values, as well as screen captures of the graphic windows. Next addition was the ability to parse HTML files seeking markers to replace with data values from tag data, allowing custom HTML pages to be used.

Now, with the adoption of HTML5, by many browsers, the HMI can convert graphic elements into HTML5/JavaScript/CSS (three languages web browsers understand) and update the graphic elements with data from the HMI, via HTTP, continuously.

This new addition provides a draw it, animate it, and use it in a web browser feature. Any web browser that supports HTML5 is the design target.

In the current HMI release the new “Website” feature is supported and marked as beta. So anyone can try it. This new feature will soon be released and more additions are planned.

The older method, on demand dynamic web pages, will be deprecated.

Tuesday, January 20, 2015

First HMI update of 2015

The HMI has supported the Enron MODBUS protocol for some time via the Omni flow computer driver. The Omni driver was focused around the Omni flow computer and the address/data type mapping the flow computer required.

A new generic Enron, RS-232 and TCP/IP driver has been released that provides setting the register data type for the register address.

All the Enron data types are supported.
  • Booleans
  • 8 character strings
  • 16 character strings
  • 16 bit short integers
  • 32 bit long integers
  • 32 bit floats