Sunday, April 16, 2017

HMI update 4/16/2017

·      Added two new script commands.

JSONToHostPoints: Parses a JSON string and writes the values to the configured host points.

JSONToScriptGlobals: Parses a JSON string and writes the values to configured script global items.

·      Added two JSON configuration helpers to parse a JSON string and populate a script global section for runtime access.

·      Changed the MQTT string handler. The handler can save the MQTT payload to a script global, call the JSONToHostPoints script command, call the JSONToScriptGlobals script command or store the payload internally, for access via scripting.

Friday, April 7, 2017

HMI update 4/7/2017

·      Added a feature to monitor a UPS/Battery for power remaining level and shutdown the computer when the remaining power level is too low.
·      Added string support for SNMP.
·      User manual updates.

Saturday, April 1, 2017

HMI update 4/1/2017

·        A new pie chart graphic element has been added to the HMI.
·        User manual updates.