Wednesday, October 16, 2013

HMI release...

Today a new version of the HMI was released. The release has several new features in preparation for a new feature to allow the attachment of files to Emails sent from the HMI.

Several new script commands have been added.

ExportAlarmLog, ExportEventLog

These new commands provide the ability to convert a log file, at runtime, from the internal format to a ‘CSV’ (comma separated values) file. The current log file (today), yesterday’s log file or a log file selected by day/month/year can be converted. The first two options provide an easy method to run a task at for example, 3:00 AM and email or FTP yesterday’s log file without user interaction.

CaptureScreen, CaptureWindow, TrendSavePlotPictureToFile

These new commands provide the ability to capture the complete monitor(s) image, a specified user window, the foreground window or a trend plot picture to a specified file. The file can be sent via email or FTP without user interaction at a specified time or via a triggered event. The print screen features remain without change.

An Email generated via notifications has been available in the HMI for some time. The new Email feature will be under script control and allow the attachment of files, along with the normal message and subject fields. A user generated Email will also be available. It will be much like the SMS user generated message entry.

If you have any requirements, wants or needs for the forthcoming Email feature, contact support for more data.

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