Friday, December 24, 2010

Task scheduler...

The addition of the task scheduler is complete and the new installer has been released, version

Work on support for the Keyence protocol is progressing. Another protocol we are considering is for the Beckoff Twincat product line.

PeakHMI has a powerful scripting engine but we are considering adding a specific code library for batch processing. If you have any suggestions or a certain implementation you prefer, please let us know your thoughts.

Since PeakHMI has an FTP client we are also considering adding an FTP server. It would restrict access to files/directories by configuration settings.

We received an email inquiring about support for DDE. Is it still needed? PeakHMI supports ODBC (Open DataBase Connectivity) and OPC (OLE for Process Control). Are either suitable solutions for DDE support?

Monday, December 13, 2010

New versions...

We released three new versions today.

We had a customer ask for MODBUS function code 22 (Mask write 4X register) to be added to the MODOPC product. We also corrected a broken help file link, addressed a RS-232 driver timing anomaly and added some data to the help file.

Since we added the support to MODOPC we decided to also add support for function code 22 to PeakHMI.

And while we were testing we noticed that one of the headers in the PeakHMI slave simulator program was not correct.

All the new versions are on the web site in the normal locations.

Progress on the task scheduler continues.

On the USB 15 I/O digital board we decided to replace the output transistors with transistors with a higher current rating. The new transistors should be in tomorrow and testing will continue.

Friday, December 10, 2010


PeakHMI has always had a powerful scripting engine. Most projects do not require any scripting because the needed operations are included and configurable via selection dialogs. When we consider that a new feature or desired operation can be implemented with scripting or we have a customer that is using scripting to perform some task not native to PeakHMI, we look to see if the task is a candidate for inclusion in PeakHMI as a configurable option. That is what occurred with a task scheduler. PeakHMI has global timers that can fire scripts. The scripts can contain the code to trigger a task/action. A perfect example of a feature that should be part of the native actions of PeakHMI, a task scheduler.

Work on the task scheduler is progressing. It functions much like the OS scheduler with settings for daily, weekly, monthly, when a window opens, etc.. More than one action can occur per trigger/task. The action selection list is the same list, 50+ actions, used for the graphic mouse commands. The number of task is unlimited and as well as a task calling a script, task can be enabled and disabled from scripting.

The USB 15 I/O digital board is making progress. The second revision of the board arrived today and will begin hardware testing soon.

Another protocol we are looking at adding is the for Keyence PLC line. If you would like us to look at support for a protocol, please contact